The «MTO studio» trademark is associated with Matsyuk Andrey Nikolaevich, sole proprietorship in Russia legal entity at 26 May 2011. You can find all the company details in the «MTO studio (Matsyuk A. N., S. P.) Company Details» document.
We do our best to make our business activity as transparent as possible and comply with all the legal regulations that apply
in the location where the company is registered. We publish all the certificates of state registration for our legal entity on this website. We are a reliable contractor that can guarantee that all the services we perform are delivered fully and with high quality.
MTO studio runs only genuine software. These are professional-grade open-source solutions that are free for commercial use. Thus, we do not include the cost of our tools into the prices of our websites and this is one of the factors that allows us to produce high-quality websites at low prices.
We are paying income tax in Russia and complete all the required tax statements on time. No need to report our expenses allows us to easily and quickly make any online payment. All these factors reduce the cost of our services: there is no accountant salary or online payment fees included, only the minimal possible income tax.
MTO studio always meets all its obligations, we state this legally (in our contracts) and constantly confirm this in practice with every completed project.